Saturday, 4 June 2016

Let's Make SAMPOORNA Perfect

Updation- Why and When?:

       SAMPOORNA  is the database for other sites related to school  such as 6th working day strength, UID, Textbook Management, Uniform Indent,  Kalolsavam, Sasthrolsavam, Sports and Games   etc... So, it should be updated   time to time.
       Here gives short notes on SAMPOORNA. Refer it when having issues. 

 IT@School, Kasaragod
If needs help, contact the concerned MT:

Sub District Name of MT Mob No
Manjeswar Abdul Jamal 82 89 88 03 21
Kumbla Praveen Kumar 94 00 64 67 49
Kasaragod Roji Joseph 94 95 18 19 58
Bekal Anil Kumar P M 83 01 00 48 15
Hosdurg Vijayan V K 9745 25 00 22
Chittarkkal Manoj K V 99 61 49 36 50
Cheruvathur Suvarnan 90 48 06 27 31
   Office Phone: 04994 225931 


Send all the issues regarding SAMPOORNA, only to the mail ID:

How to Update School Details:

(Click  on the images to enlarge them)
     Click School name and then click 'Edit School Detail'. Editing mode appears. Give the details, such as the name of HM, phone number etc..  and then click the 'Update School Detail' button at the bottom of the page

How to import Class and Divisions:

      Click 'Class and Divisions' and Select a class, then click 'Import Divisions'. Give 'Start Date'  and 'End Date' and Submit. New Divisions created

            If the class has no previous divisions, it can be created clicking the button 'New Division' or clicking 'CreateNew'

           If the name of the division given wrongly, use the 'Edit'  button and correct it. Division name only required in the field. (Dont give other details such as year or details of the div.)
See the corrected  form

How to promote Students:

     Click 'Class and Divisions' and 'Student Transfers'.
         Then select'reason, Class and Div. Name of student appears.

        Select Destination class and Div. 'Submit'.    Students are transferred to that class/Div.

How to admit a new student ( Without having a TC )

Click 'Admission'. Then 'School Admission' . Fill the details and 'Admit Student'. Class 1 students are admitted in this manner.

Admit with a TC

           Then type the TC Number correctly as shown in the  TC and 'Submit'

            Details of the student appears. Give the new admission number  to the student
            Select class and division.

         Then click 'Admit Student'

How to issue TC

         Make sure that all the details of the student are as per the admission register of the school. Confirm it. Then click issue TC.
   Destination school can be selected from Database, if the TC to a state school. 

          But, in the case of CBSE/ICSE/Navodaya Vidyalaya etc.. select 'other' and type the name of the school in the space provided.
Take 2 copies of the TC. ( 1 Office copy and 1 to the student)

Can I Edit TC?

Yes. You can edit a TC.

Click students ==> 'Search Former Student'

 Give only Admission Number in the concerned box and click 'Search'
Click on the name

Click 'Mark as Not Issued'  on the top of the page

Reload the page
 Edit TC button appears. Click it

 Make the editing needed and click Issue TC.
        Here, we can change the promotion status, date, number of attendance, destination school, TC number etc.. But,  not possible to edit the data related to the student. In such cases, send a mail to

The mail should clearly show, what to do.
It should have:
1. Name of student
2. Admn Number of the student
3. TC number ( If the request is to cancel a TC)
4. Reason for TC cancellation
5. Contact number of the person sending the mail

                                                          ( Prepared: VVK, ITSchool, ksd )



  2. Quite useful to the HMs..thank you....

  3. How to admit private study students

  4. Thank you Sir.It is very helpful.The details explained is very easy to foillow.
    Thanking you

  5. please guide the sixth working day details 2017-18 updating method



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